Seo Module

The fist professional SEO extension for opencart 2 Opencart version supported 2.3.x (other versions are in developement)

Table of content
  1. Installation & Update
  2. API
    1. Admin events
    2. Catalog events

Installation and Update

The easiest way is to use extension to install the module.

Shopunity (recomended)

  1. In Shopunty module search for SEO module and click install
  2. After installation is complete click Admin
  3. Click install inside the SEO module to complete the installation.

Extension Installer (shopunity module required)

  1. Go to Admin / Extensions / Extension Installer
  2. Upload zip archive
  3. Go to Admin / Extensions / Modules
  4. Next to SEO module Click install
  5. Edit SEO module
  6. Click install to complete the installation process.

FTP (shopunity module required)

  1. Upload all the files from the folder upload
  2. Go to Admin / Extensions / Modules
  3. Next to SEO module Click install
  4. Edit SEO module
  5. Click install to complete the installation process.


You can update practically the same way as you have install the module. Only you will not need to click the final install inside the module since the module has already been installed. Though if the new version of the module locates missing parts, it will display an update button.


You can extend the SEO Module functionality by using the built-in API. The SEO module will look inside the admin/controller/extension/module/ for d_seo_module_*.php and if found, will call specially named methods. The result will be used to modify the output using Opencart Event Methods.

For the API to work you will need

  1. name your extension controller beginning with d_seo_module_
  2. Add method, that corresponds to the event you want to subscribe to.

Here is an example of adding a new item to the SEO module Menu in admin panel:

private $route = 'extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature';
public function menu($menu_data) {
    if ($this->user->hasPermission('access', $this->route)) {
        $menu_data[] = array(
            'name'     => $this->language->get('heading_title_main'),
            'href'     => $this->url->link($this->route, 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], true),
            'children' => array()       

    return $menu_data;

Admin list of events and their methods

How to use it?

This is how you should understand the following events:

admin/view/common/column_left/before is called before the column_left.tpl is rendered to the screen.

To subsribe you will need to add the method public function menu($menu_data) to your controller file admin/controller/extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature.php with a parameter $menu_data

You will populate $menu_data with your menu item array('name' => ..., 'href' => ..., 'children' => ...) and return $menu_data;


1. view/common/column_left/before


add an item in admin to seo menu. You will recieve the menu array, only to add your own menu item and return the menu array


public function menu($menu_data) {

    if ($this->user->hasPermission('access', 'extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature')) {
        $menu_data[] = array(
            'name'     => $this->language->get('heading_title_main'),
            'href'     => $this->url->link('extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], true),
            'children' => array()       

    return $menu_data;


1. view/setting/setting/after & view/setting/store_form/after


modify the output of store setting form and new store create form. You simply return an HTML of the input or anything else that you want to place into the form and tab

Exemple admin/controller/extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature.php

public function setting_tab_general() {
    //load models and language files

    //get language data
    $data['entry_myfeature'] = $this->language->get('entry_myfeature');
    $data['help_myfeature'] = $this->language->get('help_myfeature');

    //load config file for module d_seo_module_myfeature and fetch default config values.
    $data['setting'] = ($this->config->get('d_seo_module_myfeature_setting')) ? $this->config->get('d_seo_module_myfeature_setting') : array();

    //add config_myfeature value to the $data for settings general tab
    if (isset($this->request->post['config_myfeature'])) {
        $data['config_myfeature'] = $this->request->post['config_myfeature'];
    } else {
        $data['config_myfeature'] = $this->config->get('config_myfeature');

    //render the $data with the setting_tab_general_language.tpl. the HTML will be returned and added to the final HTML inside the Store Setting General tab.                       
    return $this->load->view('extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature/setting_tab_general.tpl', $data);

You can add html to a language tab, by using the $language_id

Exemple admin/controller/extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature.php

public function setting_tab_general_language($language_id) {
    //load models and language files

    //get required parameters
    $data['language_id'] = $language_id;
    $data['languages'] = $this->model_extension_module_d_seo_module_myfeature->getLanguages();

    //get language data
    $data['entry_myfeature'] = $this->language->get('entry_myfeature');
    $data['help_myfeature'] = $this->language->get('help_myfeature');

    //load config file for module d_seo_module_myfeature and fetch default config values.
    $data['setting'] = ($this->config->get('d_seo_module_myfeature_setting')) ? $this->config->get('d_seo_module_myfeature_setting') : array();

    //add config_myfeature value to the $data for settings general tab
    if (isset($this->request->post['config_myfeature'])) {
        $data['config_myfeature'] = $this->request->post['config_myfeature'];
    } elseif ($this->config->get('config_myfeature')) {
        $data['config_myfeature'] = $this->config->get('config_myfeature');
    } else {
        $data['config_myfeature'][$language_id]['myfeature_title'] = $this->config->get('config_myfeature_title');

    //render the $data with the setting_tab_general_language.tpl. the HTML will be returned and added to the final HTML inside the Store Setting General tab.                       
    return $this->load->view('extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature/setting_tab_general_language.tpl', $data);

this is a custom seo tab. It will be visible if your module adds html to it.


This is a style input. You can use this for adding CSS to the form. Yet we recommend using he default $this->document->addStyle($href, $rel = 'stylesheet', $media = 'screen');


Add js scripts to the form


1. model/localisation/language/addLanguage/after


after a new language has been added, you can preform your own actions like add a new column to a table

Exemple admin/controller/extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature.php

public function language_add($data) {


public function addLanguage($data) {
    $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE " . DB_PREFIX . "url_redirect ADD (url_to_" . (int)$data['language_id'] . " VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL)");

    $this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "url_redirect SET url_to_" . (int)$data['language_id'] . " = url_to_" . (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id'));

2. model/localisation/language/deleteLanguage/after


called when a language is deleted. Similar to language_add($data)


1. view/catalog/category_form/after


modify the HTML output of category form. You simply return an HTML of the input or anything else that you want to place into the form based on the tab


You can add html to a language tab, by using the $language_id


this is a custom seo tab. It will be visible if your module adds html to it.


This is a style input. You can use this for adding CSS to the form. Yet we recomend using he default $this->document->addStyle($href, $rel = 'stylesheet', $media = 'screen');


Add js scripts to the form

2. model/catalog/category/addCategory/after


after a new category has been added, you can preform your own actions like update cache

Example: admin/controller/extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature.php

public function category_form_add($data) {

    //custom model method for updating category cache (it is up to you to implement it.

3. model/catalog/category/editCategory/after


after a new category has been edited, you can preform your own actions like update cache

4. view/catalog/product_form/after


modify the HTML output of category form. You simply return an HTML of the input or anything else that you want to place into the form based on the tab


You can add html to a language tab, by using the $language_id


This is a custom seo tab. It will be visible if your module adds html to it.


This is a style input. You can use this for adding CSS to the form. We recommended using the default $this->document->addStyle($href, $rel = 'stylesheet', $media = 'screen');


Add js scripts to the form

5. model/catalog/product/addProduct/after


after a new product has been added, you can preform your own actions like generate empty seo url

6. model/catalog/product/editProduct/after


after a product has been edited, you can preform your own actions like update product url cache

7. view/catalog/manufacturer_form/after


modify the HTML output of category form. You simply return an HTML of the input or anything else that you want to place into the form based on the tab


You can add html to a language tab, by using the $language_id


this is a custom seo tab. It will be visible if your module adds html to it.


This is a style input. You can use this for adding CSS to the form. We recommended using the default $this->document->addStyle($href, $rel = 'stylesheet', $media = 'screen');


Add js scripts to the form

8. model/catalog/manufacturer/addManufacturer/after


after a new product has been added, you can preform your own actions like add manufacturer description

Example: controller/extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature.php

public function manufacturer_form_add($data) {


public function addManufacturerDescription($data) {
    foreach ($data['manufacturer_description'] as $language_id => $manufacturer_description) {
        $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "manufacturer_description SET manufacturer_id = '" . (int)$data['manufacturer_id'] . "', language_id = '" . (int)$language_id . "'");

9. model/catalog/manufacturer/editManufacturer/after


after a new product has been added, you can preform your own actions like generate seo url

10. view/catalog/information_form/after


modify the HTML output of category form. You simply return an HTML of the input or anything else that you want to place into the form based on the tab


You can add html to a language tab, by using the $language_id


this is a custom seo tab. It will be visible if your module adds html to it.


This is a style input. You can use this for adding CSS to the form. We recommended using the default $this->document->addStyle($href, $rel = 'stylesheet', $media = 'screen');


Add js scripts to the form

11. model/catalog/information/addInformation/after


after a product has been edited, you can preform your own actions like update product url cache

12. model/catalog/information/editInformation/after


after a product has been edited, you can preform your own actions like update product url cache

Catalog list of events and their methods

How to use it?

For the frontend you have two basic events: -data (before event - here you modify the data array)

  1. view/common/home/before is called before the home.tpl is rendered to the screen.
  2. To subsribe you will need to add the method public function home_data($data) to your controller file catalog/controller/extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature.php with a parameter $data
  3. You will modify $data accordingly and return $data;

catalog common

1. view/common/home/before


modify the data that will be rendered to the home.tpl


private $codename = 'd_seo_module_myfeature';
private $route = 'extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature';
private $config_file = 'd_seo_module_myfeature';

public function home_data($data) {

    $store_id = (int)$this->config->get('config_store_id');
    $language_id = (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id');

    // Get settings of d_seo_module_myfeature
    $config_setting = ($this->config->get($this->codename . '_setting')) ? $this->config->get($this->codename . '_setting') : array();

    $setting = $this->model_setting_setting->getSetting($this->codename, $store_id);

    $status = isset($setting[$this->codename . '_status']) ? $setting[$this->codename . '_status'] : false;
    $setting = isset($setting[$this->codename . '_setting']) ? $setting[$this->codename . '_setting'] : array();

    if (!empty($setting)) {
        $config_setting = array_replace_recursive($config_setting, $setting);

    $setting = $config_setting;

    //check for d_seo_module_myfeature_status
    if ($status) {
        if (isset($this->request->post['config_description'])) {
            $description = $this->request->post['config_description'];
            $meta_title = $description[$language_id]['meta_title'];
            $meta_description= $description[$language_id]['meta_description'];
            $meta_keyword = $description[$language_id]['meta_keyword'];
        } elseif ($this->config->get('config_description')) {
            $description = $this->config->get('config_description');
            $meta_title = $description[$language_id]['meta_title'];
            $meta_description = $description[$language_id]['meta_description'];
            $meta_keyword = $description[$language_id]['meta_keyword'];
        } else {
            $meta_title = $this->config->get('config_meta_title');
            $meta_description = $this->config->get('config_meta_description');
            $meta_keyword = $this->config->get('config_meta_keyword');


        $data['header'] = $this->load->controller('common/header');

    return $data;

2. view/*/template/common/home/after


modify the HTML of the home.tpl before bowser renders it


private $codename = 'd_seo_module_myfeature';
private $route = 'extension/module/d_seo_module_myfeature';
private $config_file = 'd_seo_module_myfeature';

public function home_html($html) {

        $store_id = (int)$this->config->get('config_store_id');
        $language_id = (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id');

        // Setting
        $config_setting = ($this->config->get($this->codename . '_setting')) ? $this->config->get($this->codename . '_setting') : array();

        $setting = $this->model_setting_setting->getSetting($this->codename, $store_id);
        $status = isset($setting[$this->codename . '_status']) ? $setting[$this->codename . '_status'] : false;
        $setting = isset($setting[$this->codename . '_setting']) ? $setting[$this->codename . '_setting'] : array();

        if (!empty($setting)) {
            $config_setting = array_replace_recursive($config_setting, $setting);

        $setting = $config_setting;

        if ($status) {
            if (isset($this->request->post['config_description'])) {
                $description = $this->request->post['config_description'];
                $meta_robots = $description[$language_id]['meta_robots'];
            } elseif ($this->config->get('config_description')) {
                $description = $this->config->get('config_description');
                $meta_robots = $description[$language_id]['meta_robots'];
            } else {
                $meta_robots = 'index,follow';

            $html_dom = new d_simple_html_dom();
            $html_dom->load($html, $lowercase=true, $stripRN=false, $defaultBRText=DEFAULT_BR_TEXT);

            $html_dom->find('head', 0)->innertext .= '<meta name="robots" content="' . $meta_robots . '" />';

            return $html_dom;

        return $html;


1. view/product/category/before


modify the data that will be rendered to the category.tpl

2. view/*/template/product/category/after


modify the HTML of the category.tpl before bowser renders it

3. view/product/product/before


modify the data that will be rendered to the product.tpl

4. view/*/template/product/product/after


modify the HTML of the product.tpl before bowser renders it

5. view/product/manufacturer_info/before


modify the data that will be rendered to the manufacturer_info.tpl

6. view/*/template/product/manufacturer_info/after


modify the HTML of the manufacturer_info.tpl before bowser renders it


1. view/information/information/before


modify the data that will be rendered to the information.tpl

2. view/*/template/information/information/after


modify the HTML of the information.tpl before bowser renders it